
Prepare For Summer Fun With Great Savings On All Your Favorite SC Johnson Products At Publix

May 22, 2017 | #, Deals, Giveaways | 146 comments

This post is sponsored by SC Johnson. All comments and opinions are my own.

I am so excited that summer is just around the corner! We are busier than ever with sports and school coming to and end. With the boys home, my free time dwindles quite a bit. I try to be smart in how I plan my day to make the most of my time. Meals, laundry and cleaning tend to take a little more time with my two “helpers” at home!

They are really good boys but, they are still kids. As you all know, kids and messes go hand in hand. During the school year, I could always knock out the cleaning while they were in school and the house would at least stay clean for a couple of hours. With them home, they are constantly running in and out the door tracking in lots of messes. It’s hard to keep up when there are just two of them … so when you add in all the other kids who gather at my house things get really messy!

While my workload may increase, I really don’t mind too much. A home filled with lots of friends and family is my idea of a happy home. All those messes that occur are just the result of folks having fun! So, I just plan ahead and keep a supply of all my favorite SC Johnson cleaning products on hand so I can keep up with all the extra fun that occurs each week.

Luckily we have some great deals at Publix so that we can stock up at a great price. It’s the perfect way to be prepared for a season filled with fun! Look for great sales and coupons in the Publix Advantage Buy flyer to help you with solutions you need for a splendid summer your family won’t forget.

Why not grab a deal on your favorite Pledge® products while we have a super discount. Pledge® products will help you brings out what’s truly beautiful in your home for everyone to kick back and join the fun. Take advantage of the 2/$7 sale and stock up!

Pledge® Products 9.7 – 32 oz or Wipes 24 – 25 ct, 2/$7
-$1/2 Windex® products, Scrubbing Bubbles®products, Shout®products, or Pledge® Products, exp. 6/18/17 (SS 05/07/17 #2)
-$1/1 Pledge Floor Care or Furniture Care Product, exp. 6/18/17 (SS 05/07/17 #2)

$0.50/1 Pledge Floor Care or Furniture Care Products (Checkout 51 Deposit) [Any variety. Excludes trial and travel sizes; Any variety; Cannot use this offer with any other coupon]
Just $2.50 each!

The folks at SC Johnson want to help you gather with friends and family and enjoy the season. They are giving one iHeartPublix reader a $100 Publix gift card to help you stock up on all your favorite cleaning products and be prepared for whatever messes occur!

Entry is simple. You just need to complete the mandatory task below (answering my question below). You can gain additional entries by completing any of the other options as well! View the Giveaway & Sweepstakes Rules.

How do you keep your home clean even when you are short on time?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I use swiffer wet and wipes in every room./

  2. I use a multi-purpose product so I can go from room to room quickly

  3. Clean like a whirling dervish!

  4. I keep a cleaning bucket with all my cleaners and cloths in one bucket and go quickly to each room

  5. i do one room each day use windex on mirrors..

  6. I do surface cleaning and hold off on the deep cleaning.

  7. I keep cleaners for each room in that room. That way, I’m not wandering around looking for Pledge, Windex, etc.

  8. I keep my cleaning products and wipes in a container to take from room to room. Wipes are so easy when you have company with short notice. Pledge and Windex are my favorites because the house spells so nice and clean.

  9. Toilet cleaning gel….doesn’t get any easier than that!

  10. I convince the kids and hubby to pitch in.

  11. I try to do a little bit each day so it doesn’t become a bigger job later on and have maybe one day a week set aside for any bigger cleaning jobs that need to be done.

  12. I clean a little every day, and wipe mirrors daily. On Saturday, it is a deep clean and laundry.

  13. I make sure to clean as I go. Never leaving any mess to clean later.

  14. Have the whole family pitch in to help.

  15. A little cleaning every day helps!

  16. The kids help with their messes, daily chore charts keep them focused. Keeping a routine helps a lot too.

  17. I try to clean up after myself.

  18. I make sure to do the things that people notice the most: organize, vacuum and dust.

  19. To be honest, I don’t try! But I do like Swiffer.

    • I do little cleaning each day.

  20. I bribe my kids to help.

  21. I keep a calendar and write down what I do each day so I don’t repeat something before it really needs to be cleaned.

  22. I try to use a multi-surface cleaner so I can go from room to room quickly without having to change which cleaning product I am using.

  23. I enlist the help of the kids to all do ONE task. That way everyone helps and things are kept manageable for mom!

  24. Pledge wipes and swiffers

  25. I try to straighten up as soon as I mess up. That way it never really gets that bad.

  26. I use Scrubbing Bubbles on my bathroom sinks and tubs. I spray, let sit while and wipe clean. I have used Scrubbing Bubbles for over twenty years now and I love it. I use Windex on just about every surface, in every room in my house. I also use Swiffer wet on my floors and Swiffer dusters where needed. Last but not least, I light Glade candles to make my house smell fresh and clean:)

  27. I get my husband to help me.

  28. I multi task. I start a load of laundrywhile its feeling up I clean the bathroom .Then I start washing up thedishes. And eventually I find time to start ✂clipping✂ some coupons to save my family some .

  29. Try to keep things picked up and get the hubbie to pitch in!

  30. I keep all my cleaning supplies in one container so whatever I do in each room I’ll have supplies to do it with.

  31. I use toilet cleaning gel and clorox wipes for a quick and easy clean up!

  32. Keep complete array of cleaning supplies in each bathroom and in laundry room

  33. Do a little bit at a time.

  34. I have the kids help me. I use swifter pads and pledge floor cleaner once a week. Spray bathroom daily, and always keep the dishes done before going to bed.

  35. Do small things all throughout the week.

  36. I have a schedule I follow, spot clean as needed

  37. I don’t ready have this probably as I clean daily..stay ahead.

    But, I do have storage containers..faux leather that I can throw things into quick.
    The. Biggy to me is to keep dishes done and out of site

  38. Get my kids to help.

  39. I do the most important first and then if I run out of time, at least that got done. For kitchen, do dishes. For bathroom, wipe out sink/mirror. And vacuum so it looks cleaner than it is.

  40. Using Pledge® furniture to clean up

  41. Multi task and involve everyone !

  42. I try to keep up with dusting every day put in a little time and use self cleaning products when no time to scrub.

  43. Pledge, Windex are the best helper .

  44. Clean every day, house stays pretty nice.

  45. Vacuum, dust and wipe the counters. Keep clutter OUT!

  46. Use Pledge to dust and make the house smell good.

  47. Pick up daily to keep down clutter. Clutter makes a house look dirty. Pledge wipes to get the dust and windex for mirrors and windows.

  48. I spritz all hard surfaces with a cleaning spray and wipe down each and every time before I leave the house, because there’s nothing better than coming home to a clean house!

  49. I use a bucket with my cloths,scrubbers and cleaning products.

  50. I run the dust mop through the house, straighten up the counters and call it good.

  51. I just move really quickly!

  52. I clean the kitchen counter, sink etc as I go along…. as for the rest – I close my eyes and pretend there is no dust!!! hee hee

  53. Little every day

  54. A little every day!

  55. I don’t 🙂

  56. lol hard to keep anything clean with 6 kids….but a quick wipe down and some smell good goes a long way

  57. I try to be organized and do certain tasks daily.Its keeps my weekdays busy and my weekends free.

  58. Bribe my Son to help!

  59. We keep Glade Plugins at all times. Also, right before visitors arrive, light a few Glade Candles strategically placed around the room you and company will be in. Love Pledge wipes and windex for a quick last minute swipe at dust around room. Takes about 5 minutes and all is GOOD and smells like I just did a deep clean!

  60. I have used Pledge for many, many years for fast jobs when I have little time 🙂

  61. I try my best to do a little each day and keep up with it.

  62. Wipe down the mirrors, straighten the cushions and hope no one notices anything out of place

  63. I assign tasks

  64. I always do a little every day so that its not overwhelming on the weekend.

  65. I clean the bathrooms and the kitchen first and straighten up the living room. Usually that is good for a quick cleaning!

  66. I honestly try to keep it tidy at all times so as not to get behind! A quick run of the vacuum and I’m back in business! Thanks !

  67. Cordless vac helps along with Clorox wipes and dusting sheets.

  68. Clean as I go.

  69. vacuum and straighten up

  70. I shove everything in a laundry hamper and wipe down surfaces with a baby wipe. YOLO.

  71. I try to keep the kitchen area clean daily.

  72. clean just a little daily

  73. Cleaning wipes get the job done fast and easy.

  74. I try to keep things clean and tidy all the time cause you just never know when company will stop by. Otherwise, they see what I see…dust and all. LOL

  75. Pledge dust. wipes makes dusting quick and easy.

  76. I run the swiffer over the floors and a quick wipe with pledge, then everything looks great!

  77. By keeping up with the house daily instead of letting things pile up.

  78. I always hand wash and put away the dishes right away and sweep after meals.. it only takes a few minutes and keeps things looking neat. Windex the counter in the kitchen and Bathrooms. If the kitchen is a mess the rest looks dirty.

  79. I try and keep up with things during the week so that when it is time to clean, it doesn’t take much more than 15 minutes of my time per room.

  80. I make the kids help.

  81. Cleaning a little everyday keeps big messes away. Simply picking up after yourself will avoid a big project later on. Reducing clutter is also huge for me. If you don’t own it, you don’t have to clean. Do we really need all these things?

  82. Work on the rooms guest will be in and shut the door to the rooms they will not need to be in or see!

  83. I dont do empty runs, everytime i walk by something that needs to be done, I do it right away. I put cleaning supplies in every bathroom so I can spotclean immediately.

  84. Delegate tasks to my children to help me out.

  85. With just the 2 of us, it stays clean alot longer than when the kids were little.

  86. I use bleach wipes.

  87. I keep things picked up and in their place as I go, easier than having to do it all at once.

  88. everyone gets a job, then the kids are sent outside so they cant mess it up!

  89. I try to pick up and clean up when I walk by things in the house rather than letting them go until later. Thanks!

  90. I make sure I hit all of the glass tops first then move on to wood if I have the timing. Candles help too!

  91. Quick sweep the floors and do a quick wipe on counters

  92. I get my hubby to help, LOL

  93. delegate chores with other family members speeds up cleaning and makes it less of a chore

  94. Just do small tasks at a time

  95. Duster, dust mop, quick vacuum , wipe the counters.

  96. Get my kids to help LOL

  97. wipes, wipes, wipes and a Bissell Stick Vacuum 🙂

  98. I wipe the counters and vacuum, everything else can wait.

  99. When I’m short on time I only clean the living room and kitchen. I try and use self cleaning products. I’m the only one in my house that does any cleaning. So I use anything that will work fast.

  100. I keep my home clean by putting things away immediately instead of leaving it out to put away later.

  101. By trying not to hold onto things that don’t serve a practical purpose.

  102. I always put things away or clean an area as it gets messy so that things don’t pile up.

  103. I have a set of storage bins that fit into my hall closet. If there is an unexpected guest, I throw all of the toys and knick knacks into them and sort later.

  104. I have everyone contribute, even the kids.

  105. Keep stuff cleaned up after, keeps regular cleaning easier.

  106. The best tip is to prevent messes in the first place! Always keep up and make sure to instill that same value in the children.

  107. I try to clean in short bursts. You can get a lot accomplished in a short amount of time.

  108. My mama always used to say put like things with other like things the first time. That’s how my home stays clean and organized. It also helps that I love all things organized and decorated.

  109. Use the vacuum for EVERYTHING! Dusting bookcase, air vents, floors, etc.!

  110. I go room by room with an all purpose cleaner

  111. I try to clean up things right away. I use products that make cleaning fast & easy.

  112. I give every child a chore to do when things start looking messy. Everyone can spend 15 minutes helping out and we can all enjoy free time together,

  113. I keep my home clean by tackling the big areas some each day. Not having to do all of it at once makes it seem less daunting.

  114. I cry and hope someone else does it.

  115. We have pairs of dusting shoes so it puts some fun into what is usually a boring chore.

  116. I try to do some type of small cleaning daily, so as not to get overwhelmed.

  117. I look around the rooms the guests will be in and straighten things out, take away newspapers, and more.

  118. Putting the clutter away! If you can keep surfaces clean, the rest is cake! And a nice smelling air freshener always helps!

  119. Dust-buster, swiffer, and wipe down the counters!

  120. I clean the bathrooms and floors, the kitchen and try to put away clutter.

  121. I clean as I go and vacuum almost every day.

  122. Swiffer often, & keep bathroom wipes under the sink for quick touch ups.

  123. I try to keep up with my cleaning so that if time is an issue I don’t need to spend too much time cleaning.

  124. I get things put away so when I clean I have some stuff already arranged.

  125. When I am short on time, I ask other family members to chip in and help get the house clean. I love having help cleaning.

  126. I try to clean a little bit after dinner and get everything organized for the next work and school day. It only takes about 5 to 10 minutes to pick up the stray items and put them back where they belong. I always try to do the dishes each night too so nothing left in the sink.

  127. I keep my home clean when I am short on time by having the family pitch in and cleaning every night before bed!

  128. Choose a small task that can be done in 5 minutes.

  129. I keep cleaners in kitchen and each bathroom, ready whenever needed.

  130. I keep a weekly list and routine for cleaning certain places in my home or tackling laundry. I do dishes each day of course but the other days I stick to my schedule. If I need to quickly straighten up, of course.. that’s each day. I just mean like bathrooms, bedding,mopping, all of the big and tedious work!

  131. I get things done as they become a mess.

  132. To keep up with messes, I wipe counters, surfaces etc daily with disinfecting wipes.

  133. It’s so easy to leave something out of place and before you know it it’s a mess. So I trained myself to put things back in the proper place, right away.

  134. put thing away right away

  135. Trying to have a place for everything is nice, but I keep the lowest level of our shelves clear for anything I need to put away quickly.

  136. I keep my house clean even when short on time by getting the whole family to pitch in and help!

  137. putting things away or cleaning up right after activities helps to keep things in order quickly.

  138. A quick dusting and vacuuming and a scented candle are perfect.

  139. try to spruce it every night before going to bed

  140. My best tip is to not let it get ahead of you. I do a little here and there every day so I am never faced with a huge cleaning task. (Well, all except for the garage!)

  141. I keep up with laundry and dishes every dad by loading the washers before leaving the house.

  142. Every time I leave a room, I bring at least one piece of trash with me or put one thing away. That way I do not spend hours cleaning!

  143. I only clean on my days off from work.

  144. Sweeping, spraying and wiping down often.


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