
Back To School With Ziploc® Brand Products – Save At Publix

Aug 3, 2018 | #, Deals | 0 comments

This post is sponsored by SC Johnson. All comments and opinions are my own.

It’s hard to believe but school starts for us NEXT week! Jake still has a few more days of freedom, but Jeb will already be in school at this time next week.

I have mixed emotions about the beginning of the school year. I love that I get a few hours to myself where I can accomplish my to do list without any interruptions. Shopping is always a little easier without my two little helpers, and my house will actually stay clean for more than 10 minutes while the boys are in school. But, it also means that I have to adjust to a new schedule that requires me to get up super early. Once I am up, I feel like I am in constant motion in an attempt to get as much accomplished as possible to work around my guys’ crazy schedules.

I think we are ready to go. The boys have picked out their new clothes and already got spiffy new haircuts. They’ve done their summer reading and completed all the summer math packets. I also knocked out the school supply lists weeks ago! I love that the schools give them to us early now. They used to give them to us the week before school started at registration and it was a nightmare having to shop at the last minute. Now I am able to get it done gradually over the summer and can take advantage of deals when I see them.

Of course at this point I could probably just about guess most things that will be on the lists. Each teacher will always have a few specific requests, but there is usually a core list of necessities that are essential for every classroom. Pencils, erasers, paper, scissors, hand sanitizer and Ziploc® brand bags will be on the list every year—guaranteed!

Yep, those Ziploc® brand bags that come in handy all around your home are also incredibly convenient in the classroom as well. I’ve had the boys bring home a WIDE range of things in those bags…baby teeth that they lost during the day at school, art projects, sight words, math manipulatives, random snacks and about a zillion other things. Can you imagine how many bags a teacher can go through in one school year?! No wonder they are always on the school supply lists year after year!

Be ready for back to school and grab great savings at Publix with the digital coupon. Load your savings and get $1 off any two items.

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